Investment decisions

Investment decisions in order with financial biases

Investments are the aims that are mainly conceived with an ideological process that fixes the impairments of life’s financial disabilities. The maximum inputs, a person can make throughout his life accept remarkable processes to imbibe the external and internal terms of making it easy.

We, human are not computers and cannot exert the same feeling all the time, and our emotions play a vital and of course, an enormous role in our lives. This is undoubtedly the case as we interact with other humans because emotions allow us the opportunity to share compassion, sympathy, joy and trust.

To name a few, there are times. However, that would benefit from not allowing our emotions to play such a large role in our daily life. For instance, a student might be taking a test or a basketball player shooting an important free-throw, especially a doctor performing surgery.

Another example is an investor who is making important investment decisions to increase or preserve capital and not lose it. In the investment world, leaving your emotions out of it might be beneficial because human emotion also comes with human cognitive biases.

The kinds of financial biases

The cognitive bias

  • The cognitive bias is a systematic error in our thinking that ultimately affects our decisions and judgements; however, let us leave the rest of that conversation to the psychologists for our purposes.
  • We will identify how investor biases can get in the way of sound financial decisions and potentially cost investors in the long run. Let us take another example, let us say, a person Ramsay, who is an average investor who aims to make smart investment decisions.
  • Ramsay catches a glimpse of news on an evening and sees that the market has dropped ten per cent although he is not super familiar with the fundamentals of what has occurred he has seen enough to be concerned here.
  • We run into our first bias the projection bias that is the tendency for people to assume whatever is happening in the current moment will continue happening in the future.   

Because of the bias, the typical reaction is that those without sound financial advice will more often than not react to this news by getting out of the market. They do this because they are projecting because the market dropped 10% today they think.

It will surely drop again tomorrow, and so on even there is no fundamental analysis to back it up now it is because of the projection bias that Ramsay runs into our next flawed bias.

The action bias

  • The action bias is the belief that doing something is better than doing nothing meaning when change occurs. Investors believe that they need to do something that is selling but reallocates flee for less risky investments.
  • Rather than doing nothing, even if refraining from taking action is their best interest in this situation and Ramsay’s projection bias, the next shoe will drop coupled with the action bias that Ramsay needs to do something in response to the market decline.
  • He gets on his computer, sells a large portion of his equity funds, turns around, and reallocates into the bond market. This brings us to our third bias.

The hurting bias,

The hurting bias is when an investor has witnessed the people all exhibiting similar investment behaviour. The hurting bias can often influence them to feel left behind if they do not do the same thing.

After the day off, the very next day started with investments, Ramsay attended a party with friends, Be in a small group or discussing the recent market decline in Ramsay along with another fellow mention that they could not stand a market correction, and they all have gotten out.

Later that day on the way home, Ramsay’s friend who was involved in the prime discussion began thinking on his disgust on losing money and could not sit back and watch his portfolio get crushed.

Financial inputs

Ramsay and his friends could take loans from direct lenders or from private money lenders in Ireland to manipulate the concern.     


All this happened because of the hurting bias, the friend of Ramsay. He also has no fundamental basis for making the investment decisions they are about to feel that they will be left behind if they do not act similarly as the heard, so they decided to sell out of the market.

The next day, the market continued its projected crash course, which rebounds with an additional 5%. The downturn on the starting day resulted from a miss turnings report of a giant blue chip stuck.

It created an overreaction within the market investors, and analysts over a particular had time to dig a little deeper and recognize that the fundamentals within this giant blue-chip company were still very much intact and the missed earnings were not expected to be a long term issue.

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